Sunday, October 9, 2016


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Today was different, better.  But maybe it is better because it is not dusk yet.  I know on Sundays there is, hopefully, lazy breakfasts, getting ready for Church, lunch, and maybe Sunday afternoon naps.  I remember when the children were young we would stop for the Sunday paper after Church.  I wanted more than anything to just go home, forget lunch, crawl into bed and read the comics...but there was lunch first.  Once in awhile I did get to crawl onto the bed and read the comics after lunch and maybe even doze but it wasn't very often.  My favorite time was if a child would let me read the comics to them.  Well, weeks passed, then that became years and all of a sudden there's no one to make lunch for, no one to read comics to.  It's alright.  I don't get the paper anymore anyway.

I believe today was better though because I have a mission. One of my daughters mentioned that she feels a slight tinge of guilt sometimes at the ability to have a sweet daughter when others have tried and tried to have babies and for one reason or another just can't seem to be able to get pregnant or cannot carry a baby full term. She gave me the names of three couples who are struggling with this.  I think my sadness (and I realize that it may be a selfish self-pity), is decreasing through my offering up of my desire for nearness to  my children and grand babies, at least to a small degree, in hopes that my little offerings might help these three couples have successful conceptions and births of healthy babies. I am going to offer up all the times of wishing and wanting and feeling sorry for myself (do I really do that?) for those couples who are wishing, praying, hoping for a family of their own but have not been able to get pregnant.  I am offering these little things as a prayer for them so that they can conceive.  A and S, E and T, A and D, this is for you! God bless you and grant you a wonderful family!

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